Health and Safety Policy

Policy Statement

The management of Marketsupport is vitally interested in the health and safety of its employees (“workers”). Protection of workers from injury or occupational disease is a major continuing objective. Marketsupport will make every effort to provide a safe, healthy work environment. All management personnel and workers must be dedicated to the continuing objective of reducing risk of injury.

Marketsupport as the employer is ultimately responsible for worker health and safety. The management of Marketsupport will take every reasonable precaution to ensure the protection of all workers.

Management personnel will be held accountable for the health and safety of workers under their supervision. Management personnel are responsible to ensure that all equipment is safe and that workers work in compliance with established safe work practices and procedures. Workers will receive adequate training in their specific work tasks to protect their health and safety.

Every worker must protect their own health and safety by working in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and applicable regulations, and with safe work practices and procedures established by the staff and management of the company.

It is in the best interest of all parties to consider health and safety in every activity. Commitment to health and safety must form an integral part of this organization, from the president to the workers.

Policy Administrative Controls


Marketsupport is responsible for reviewing this policy yearly and/or recommended amendments to ensure on-going compliance with regulated standards and/or legislated obligations.

Management personnel will ensure that they and the workers under their supervision are familiar with this policy.

Monitoring and Contraventions

Management personnel will monitor current practices to ensure compliance. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

Issue Date: Dec. 29, 2014 Revision Frequency: Yearly or as required
Revision Date: New Issue Revision Number: 0.0
Signing Authority: [Signature on file]Rob Scullion
Function: Controller

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